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Steps of Honor

Archie l. boyce

United States National Guard & Army


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Archie Boyce was born in Bethel, Ohio, Feb. 12, 1982. He was killed in battle in France, July 15, 1918.

   His life, from childhood was spent in and near Bethel, Until leaving home to join the service. When twenty years old, he joined the Ohio National Guards, serving them for nearly six years until he was called to Georgetown for training, to become one of the great army to be sent to France to fight for the world liberty.

After one month of such training, he was selected as one of three men from his camp to go to Camp Perry, to join the  infamous "Rainbow Division," from which such good reports have come back to the states from the battle front.


From Camp Perry he went to Camp Mills, at Hempstead, NY, where he received his final training in the states. During Oct. 30, 1917. sailed to France, where he was at the battle front for nearly 6 months. Experiencing trench life in all its horrid, he gave his life to the war of liberty, July 15, 1918. He was a member of Co. M, 166th Inf.  

     Archie was among the first to leave our town for active service. and was the first of town to make the supreme sacrifice. He confessed his faith in Christ in a meeting held by Brother Boder and was baptized  Dec, 1911. Honing his membership until death in the Bethel Christian church. Among the stars we have on our service flag in the church. Archie's the first gold star, and may we never have another.


"He heard humanity's clear call, And knew the voice divine ; He gave his life, he have his all, In deadly battle line. The silent stars in love look down. Where lies this loyal son; In Frost and dew they weave a crown Of honor he has won.

- R.H.

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